米国については実体経済についても株価についても、これまで基本的に強気(あるいは慎重ながら楽観)できた。 実体経済の中長期見通しについては、6月にロイター社に書いた中長期的な楽観見通しを変えるつもりはない(以下参照)
Price-to-Earning Ratios aren't always what they seem
P/E calculations based on differing views on earning paint competing pictures of
the market
quote: While no one disagrees about what the "P" is when calculating the ratio, there is no
consensus on how to define earnings-per-share. One of the biggest points of dispute: whether
to use analysts' earnings estimates for the coming year or reported company earnings from the
previous 12 months.
Consider the S&P 500's current P/E based on trailing earnings. For the four quarters through
June 30, the index's earnings per share amounted to $91.13, according to S&P Dow Jones
Indices. That translates into a P/E ratio of 18.2, which is higher than 79% of comparable
readings since 1871, according to a database maintained by Yale University professor
Many bulls try to wriggle out from this bearish sign by focusing on estimated earnings.
According to FactSet Data Systems, the consensus forecast from Wall Street analysts is that
earnings from companies in the S&P 500 will be $122.01 a share next year, which translates
into a P/E ratio of 13.6. That is 6% less than the 14.5 median of historical P/Es in Mr. Shiller's
アナリストのコンセンサス予想を信じる限り、forward lookingで「予想ベース」で判断すべきだろうということになるのだが・・・・
過去長期に遡って、直近報告実績ベースPERと予想ベースPERの平均値にギャップが生じている事実を指摘しているのがこの記事のポイントだ。 前者は14.5、後者は11.0、予想ベースPERの方が低い(以下記事の図表参照)。
さらに直近過去12カ月の報告実績ベースの一株当たり純利益(Earning Per Share)とS&P500の推移をグラフにしてみた(第2の図表)。株価指数S&P500が高値を更新して上がっている一方で、EPSは頭打ちになっているのがわかるだろう。
“The investment implication is that one might focus on ways to gradually reduce
equity exposure rather than increase it.”
引用:「リーマン危機5年 世界経済の新秩序
おいおいおい、日経ヴェリタス、大丈夫か? 「だから、ここから米国株を買え」とか示唆するわけ?
Beware Falling Profit Estimates
Despite high expectations for earnings growth at the start of the year, U.S. companies delivered
only ho-hum results for the second quarter, and estimates for the current quarter are
plummeting. Downward revisions of fourth-quarter estimates can't be far behind.
That's not to say that this market is going to crash, last week's 2% drop notwithstanding.
But stocks aren't as cheap as they look, either.
It's a familiar Wall Street waltz. Analysts start out with rosy projections for distant quarters;
companies gracefully guide expectations lower as the year unfolds; and both sides end up with
easily beatable numbers come reporting time. In 29 of the past 37 years, estimates have started
too high, according to Morgan Stanley. The Standard & Poor's 500 has handily racked up
compounded yearly returns of more than 11% during that period.
http://bylines.news.yahoo.co.jp/takenakamasaharu/  Yahooニュース個人
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