記事は“That might be a problem”と買いているが、おいおい、それはどう考えても吉兆だろ(^_^;)

quote:"Stock Rally Fails to Spur Big Inflows Into Mutual Funds
Individual investors keep tiptoeing back into the U.S. stock market.
And that might be a problem.
Despite growing signs that the economy is gaining steam and the relentless climb of stocks
even after the Federal Reserve said last week it will shrink its monthly bond purchases, many
investors still feel tepid about the overall stock market.

Steep losses suffered during the financial crisis still weigh heavily on investment decisions by
many mom-and-pop investors."

another article:"Individuals aren’t putting on their rally caps quite yet, either.
Over recent years, the steadiest rise has been in the number of investors who say they are
neutral on stocks. Even with last week’s jump in bullishness, an average 30.7% of investors
were neutral on stocks each week this year."



http://bylines.news.yahoo.co.jp/takenakamasaharu/  Yahooニュース個人
本日の午後から1月2日までインドネシアにダイビン・ツアーで遊びに行ってきますので、これが本年最後のブログです。 今年は資産運用面でエキサイティングな年でしたね。2014年も皆さまのご多幸をお祈り致します<(_ _)>
イメージ 1